How to enlarge a penis at home and can be done

The penis for a man is a source of pride, and often the self -esteem of the stronger sex depends on its size. Nature has endowed a person with a great amount. Those who are not included in the list of favorites experience complex, withdrawal, avoid sexual intercourse with women. While trying to solve the problem, a natural question arises: is it possible to enlarge the penis at home.

the nude statue symbolizes penis enlargement

How to enlarge your penis at home

In intimate shops there are many different types of tools and gadgets for penis enlargement. To eliminate the risk of product misuse, instructions are included in the kit. There are several methods of penis enlargement at home.

  1. A vacuum pump is considered a standard magnification method, in which the member is placed in a cylinder that must be connected to the pump. The vacuum produced causes blood flow to the male genitalia. After that, the penis is compressed with a ring to prevent backflow. It is not recommended to use the ring for more than 20 minutes, as there is a great risk of tissue necrosis. Without consulting a specialist, such a procedure should not be performed, as it has a number of different consequences: lack of erection, the formation of abscesses and hematomas, the development of violations of the function of blood vessels.
  2. Exercise - the most common is jelqing. The procedure consists of pulling back the head of the penis in a relaxed state. The duration is 40-60 minutes.
  3. Heavy wear - a special device is attached to the genitals and worn for 6-8 hours.
  4. Take medicine and apply a cream. These funds are usually based on herbal ingredients from known tablets. Many people, using this method, complain about the lack of such funds.

A large number of men, who consider the size of their penis small, are most often confused, because the average size of the penis when aroused is considered to be 10-15 cm. Undoubtedly, there are men whose size exceeds 20 cm, but this does not mean that everyone should be the same. Therefore, often the desire to enlarge the penis in many men is completely unfounded.

How to enlarge the size of the penis surgically

Unlike many methods of increasing penis size at home, surgery is one of the more effective methods. But during surgery there is a risk of impotence. There are two main methods of surgical intervention:

  1. Lengthening the penis - the male limb is attached to the body by ligaments. They are interconnected with the penis; during tension, the penis part is hidden inside the body. In the process of surgical intervention, the ligaments are severed, and tension is lost, because the hidden part of the penis is on the outside. As all the tissues in the body grew together, to avoid recurrent tension, the man was prescribed to wear a scale for six months.
  2. Penis thickening - the main method of performing such surgery is the transfer of adipose tissue from other parts of the human body. But, unfortunately, the results of such procedures are negative. The transplanted tissues accumulate in one place and the penis is covered with tubercles. Currently, during a surgical intervention, a graft is fitted to a man, which is made of a special tissue.

In some medical institutions, in order for the penis to become elastic, silicone gel is injected under the skin of the penis. The gel tends to accumulate in one place (usually in the head area of the penis) and the appearance of the penis deteriorates.

Before deciding on surgery to increase penis size, you need to evaluate all the risks of surgery. Because there is a great risk of developing a variety of side effects, which are controlled by impotence.

And again I want to remind you about the unfounded in most cases the desire to increase penis size.